Little info about a Phoenix

As the graceful phoenix soars through the sky, a magnificent rainbow trail is left behind...

{The Phoenix is a mythical sacred firebird, with golden/red plumage. It's lifespan is normally 500-1461 years and it has the ability to be reborn after the end of it's life-cycle. Another ability of it is regeneration. It can heal itself when hurt or wounded, making it almost immortal and invincible. The Phoenix is a symbol of fire/divinity and it's tears are able to heal shown in a couple of the Harry Potter series}

{...} Thanks to Wikipedia for these information

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Peeps...i'm SOOOOO sorry for the reali reali REALLY late update of my blog. Up to's wad's been happening...

Quite awhile back, my school organised a festival...and it goes by the name of Learning Festival. B4 goin any further, lemme tell u a little sth about it...though i think u can already guess. Yup! It's learning. THing is...we dun learn things that we normally learn in classrooms where all the Science n Arts subjects pop up...instead...we learn non-academic stuff...from Manga drawing to Salsa, Volleyball, Hip-hop...yea! It was carried over 2 anywayz...

First day: I attended Hip hop n Rock climbing. Man oh man...for rock climbling i climbed till my fingers nearly broke off...n my entire hand shook after that...=P I tried a couple of times...but none of them brought me anywhere near the top...oh well...thank goodness i could still play my piano though..*giggles*
Ooh...after Rock climbing? I attended HIP HOP! Oh yea! Haha. Hip hop was fun! The moves were a lil on the tough side...(esp the part where we hafta remember the moves...oh n up till now? i still can't do the Body Roll...crap!!) Anywayz...we were split into groups n each grp had 2 perform for the rest. For my group, we forgot our moves halfway n we merely improvised all the way through...LOL!!! The rest of them seemed to enjoy it they cheered and laughed at the same time

2nd day: I went for Protect Yourself...yup! We were taught defensive skills...apparently i haf reali weak yea...when he asked us to punch some kind of cushiony punch barely made a sound....n for the part where we hafta pair up n practice some moves on each other? My poor partner was so afraid that she might hurt me...cos i AM super skinny n look REALLY fragile after all...hehe...anywayz...she finally got convinced after awhile...n yea...things went on...
OOh...we had VOlleyball after that! I totally blew it...i couldn't even serve the ball properly...n guess wad? I sprained my arm...AHHH!!! THE PAIN!!! *sigh* but it's healed now...thankfully! Oh..i sprained my arm along with my wrist...on my right side...n guess wad? A few months back i sprained the same wrist! about yer' unwanted coincidence...ouchie!!

Hmm...College day!!! YIPPEE! College day college day! We had the AMAZING RACE!!! I can't remember when exactly we had it...but i think it was before Learning Festival...for Amazing race, we were supposed 2 collect items n had 2 complete some tasks around the sch...both inside n OUTSIDE the school...the first task that we did was...blow the ping-pong ball through a given path...we succeeded...after a few FABULOUS n CREATIVE ideas from our class...
Ooh...we took a few photos as well...cos it was part of our tasks...basically it was really fun. We even had a stopover at KFC for lunch n didn't want to leave the outlet...>_>hehe.

Okk...tat was about all tat happened so far...will update my blog the next time i'm free...kkz?? BYEBYE PEEPS! *muacks*

07S07 u rawk my world!!!