Little info about a Phoenix

As the graceful phoenix soars through the sky, a magnificent rainbow trail is left behind...

{The Phoenix is a mythical sacred firebird, with golden/red plumage. It's lifespan is normally 500-1461 years and it has the ability to be reborn after the end of it's life-cycle. Another ability of it is regeneration. It can heal itself when hurt or wounded, making it almost immortal and invincible. The Phoenix is a symbol of fire/divinity and it's tears are able to heal shown in a couple of the Harry Potter series}

{...} Thanks to Wikipedia for these information

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Outing wif bestie

*chuckles* 2day was one hell of a fun day! I was supposed ta' mt my bestie on the train at ard while i was walking towards the station...i saw sth tt din look exactly right. It's not sth i can blog abt i shall keep my mouth zipped up XD *zips* Anywayz I went out wif my bestie to watch the movie: Pink Panther 2 XD man the sequel was freaking hilarious lolz! We were laughing reali reali loudly...who cares...there were after all only 4 ppl in the cinema including us ^^ haha no spoilers from me this time ^^ i suggest y'all move yer asses n go watch the movie! it's super mega hyper funny. snacks...or else we wud haf felt fact i did feel tt i was abt to vomit from laughing too much ^^ Sooo anywayz my bestie n i stoned in front of the fountain at suntec...the indoor one not the fountain of wealth...n we chatted abt everything under the sun. Of course we did walk abit and looked at the clothes...we both agreed that the latest trends for scary....we soo din like yar after tt we grabbed a cup of coffee at starbucks n den continued our chatting session b4 we made our way home XD
I gamed awhile in Audition, tried out F.E.A.R.: Project Origin...and freaked myself out...n was like...i dunnid 2 sleep liao ^^" even horror movies not tt bad de lol

Anywayz...wad haf i been up to these days...designing stuff i guess...u can check out my photobucket to see my creations XD i'm nurviya...and sad...2nit i din dota...oh well nvm can dota 2morrow ^^ hehe nitez ppl XD