Little info about a Phoenix

As the graceful phoenix soars through the sky, a magnificent rainbow trail is left behind...

{The Phoenix is a mythical sacred firebird, with golden/red plumage. It's lifespan is normally 500-1461 years and it has the ability to be reborn after the end of it's life-cycle. Another ability of it is regeneration. It can heal itself when hurt or wounded, making it almost immortal and invincible. The Phoenix is a symbol of fire/divinity and it's tears are able to heal shown in a couple of the Harry Potter series}

{...} Thanks to Wikipedia for these information

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Promos r over!

Finally! Saint Andrew's Junior College year-1 promos r over! Math was fine...definitely...but my physics...i gave up halfway during the paper n nearly cried!!! AHHH!!! I totally blanked out...

Anywayz...after the paper...because of the fact that we were the last group of people to use the hall...we had to stack up ALL the tables n chairs n bring 'em back to the storeroom. Hehe. My class was lucky though...07S07...because on the day that we were supposed to set up the tables n chairs...we did more than our fair in return we didn't haf 2 clear up. My cg(it's like a class but in JC we call it C.G. a.k.a. Civics Group) I went PL for awhile with 2 of my cgmates...Jeriel n Tham...haha. Played dota...n i kena' owned by Tham...eesh...he saw me n attacked me...i ran for my life but couldn't run away in time...haizzz i'm a total noob man...sheesh!!

Later in the day, I went over to MJC for it's open house. OH MY GOODNESS! I met quite a number of people from my primary even gave me a candle in some sort of container...the container was red in colour n it was translucent...reali beautiful....i ran into my best friend CHI PING! n we hung out for as long we could...haha. (Someone thought she was my sister...LOL) Anywayz there was some kind of mass dance finals...i supported Callisto!! Well...i was supposed to be in Callisto if my appeal to SAJC was unsuccessful n i had remained in i was cheering for Callisto!!! They didn't win...but i juz wud like 2 say: EXCELLENT JOB CALLISTO!! WOOHOO!!

Those things happened yesterday. This morning...i had choir practice...for Physical Training...we did something different 2day...instead of making us run around the track...we played running was Husband n was Freeze n melt. all those hu do not know Freeze n's ice n water...if u still dunno wad it's a game similar to catching...except that when u're caught u do not become the catcher immediately but u merely stay on the spot n can't run unless another player frees you. The number of lives determines the number of times u are allowed to be caught before u become the catcher.
For Husband and Wife, everyone finds a partner....n then among all the pairs, one of them has to be selected to be the runner n catcher. The runner has to run towards any of the if let's say he runs to the pair wif ppl A and B, if he stands nxt to A, B has to run off whereas if he stands nxt to B, A has to run away. N when B/A runs off...he/she cannot run to the pair tat's nxt to the spot where they were originally positioned. I was really 'lucky'...i got the fastest runner...n i was caught...but oh well...i managed to catch the next person in a few minutes so it wasn't TOO bad...
oh...SAChorale...i wud like 2 say 2day was a reali fun choir practice....haha...n i muz say it was fun n innovative of Mr Tay to comes up wif games that helps improve our sense of pulse...haha. Ok...i guess tat's it...ciao!

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