Little info about a Phoenix

As the graceful phoenix soars through the sky, a magnificent rainbow trail is left behind...

{The Phoenix is a mythical sacred firebird, with golden/red plumage. It's lifespan is normally 500-1461 years and it has the ability to be reborn after the end of it's life-cycle. Another ability of it is regeneration. It can heal itself when hurt or wounded, making it almost immortal and invincible. The Phoenix is a symbol of fire/divinity and it's tears are able to heal shown in a couple of the Harry Potter series}

{...} Thanks to Wikipedia for these information

Monday, April 7, 2008

Study program...n LIFE!

All right...two weeks ago i was asked to go for a mastry study program in my JC...because of my sucky, hellish results. At first, I behaved totally like a little kid...i was like thinking of endless amounts of excuses to get myself out...but i had to go in the end...but guess what? I did not regret going at all...or at least...not as much as i expected...

We were taught various techniques such as mind-mapping, drawing pictures to understand things better, form a story to aid us in memory was quite funny the way they did it. Simply...hilarious. So anywayz, the trainers were telling us about a gazillion stories and making us laugh until we tear. Pretty cool huh? I only remembered a couple of included memory of the Principles of Memory was "Outstanding" if a male tutor were to enter a class n write a formula, the chances of us remembering is quite low...however...if he were to enter wearing a bikini suit...we'd rmb the formula for life right? WRONG! I'd forget the formula but i'd remember the tutor for life!

It was quite informative...i learnt about how society will be like once i officially finish my the working world is...little bits of tips n advices here and there...really to overcome various challenges...we were also taught on how to have the correct mindset when faced with problems. All in all it was very useful...although...the second day...was a disaster

Apparently they made us all really emotional by asking us to imagine our less-liked parent on a hospital bed n dying! I was like...excuse me? Exactly what are they trying to pull here? I only motivated me for like...less than 10 minutes...immediately after we were asked to open our eyes...i treated everything like it was a dream...n forgot every single thing...i realised most of them had fallen asleep during the talk....*shrugs* i thought it might work...but definitely not for me...

I love the part where they taught us on Life in general the most. teaches everyone 2 cherish n appreciate everything we've got..treasure our loved ones, relish everything we are given. That was how i'm brought up by my father. N i enjoyed his teachings very well.

As part of the closing ceremony...SOME of us volunteered to go being one of them. My daddy was reali mum was reali...NOT fact she was quite pissed tat i went up to make an impromptu speech...*sniffle sniffle* Oh i realised one thing...i was basically the ONLY girl who went up and did not cry...the rest of the girls shed tears n i was quite shocked. I i human or am i a cyborg? No matter though...I spoke wad i truly felt inside to everyone...of course minus the negative parts...or else i'd probably be thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil!

That was basically more extra no-link detail. They played the theme from DOTA: Return of the Ancients n i was so excited abt was how some ppl got to noe i play DOTA.

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