Little info about a Phoenix

As the graceful phoenix soars through the sky, a magnificent rainbow trail is left behind...

{The Phoenix is a mythical sacred firebird, with golden/red plumage. It's lifespan is normally 500-1461 years and it has the ability to be reborn after the end of it's life-cycle. Another ability of it is regeneration. It can heal itself when hurt or wounded, making it almost immortal and invincible. The Phoenix is a symbol of fire/divinity and it's tears are able to heal shown in a couple of the Harry Potter series}

{...} Thanks to Wikipedia for these information

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Transformers 2!! WAHAA!!

Whoots! I finally managed to watch Transformers 2 ^^ Before I go into how great the movie was (no sarcasm here by the way), I shall speak a little about what happened before this...

Initially, our plan was to watch Ice Age 3...there were 3 of us...we sorta' planned it a couple of days before. As usual, I was the only girl...well that's no surprise i guess. On the day itself, one of the guys backed out...poor chap he must have been really tired out from all his FYP (Final Year Project) which kinda' left me and another guy....ahh well we ended up going for Transformers since neither of us have watched it before. Sooo yar it was something like an unofficial 'date' or something.

Of course, by the time we decided to leave, it was around half an hour before the show started soooo we kinda' rushed for was tiring...walkin really fast while carrying a laptop. I haf no idea how my dear friend could walk so quickly...I had a hard time trying to catch up with him man.

Finally we reached the cinema, bought the tickets, I ran off to toilet ta' wash up, then we entered the cinema. It was like...8:30 as in the movie started at 8:30 so i assumed it would end at around estimation was pretty off..i forgot to calculate in the advertisements time =( so the actual timing which the movie ended was 11pm o.o First time i watch movie alone wif a guy until so late.....nice sia considering i'm kinda semi-nocturnal XD Now for the movie...

OMG THE MOVIE IS OMGLY FREAKISHLY AMAZINGLY KICK-ASS AWESOME!!!! The plot was great, effects were astounding, actors were captivating.....juz really REALLY smooth. Let me try ta' remember a wee bit of parts here and there *note: spoilers coming up if u haven't watched i suggest u skip*
Well yes i admit Megan Fox is probably one of the most beautiful women out people I just admire her for being beautiful...i'm not jealous or case anyone of u start getting the wrong idea -_-" I could hear some guys making strange wolf-like sounds at the start when they showed Megan bent over whilst painting some sort of lady devil symbol on her motorbike.
Next were the cute lil dogs...or at least i thought they were cute until they started humping each other................or as my friend puts it: cross-breeding which I hafta' agree with. One was a bull dog one was a....chiwawa...oh geez I can't spell for nuts =(
BumbleBee looked kinda' amusing when it started crying...after Sam told it that he couldn't take it along with him to college.........
YES!! Apparently the female teen who tried seducing Sam was a evil one at that.....there was a scene whereby a metallic tail came out from under her dress, possibly from her 'tailbone' if she even had one. I nearly freaked at that part. Oh and her tongue? was metallic and long and lethal-looking. My heart jumped. She looked like some weird alien from outer space!!! Well actually she was a weird robot from outer space. Man...
Of course Optimus Prime died...and somehow managed to get revived the movie i ain't gonna' say anything...

Man it was one hell of a movie. I really really enjoyed watching the movie. Plus it was wif a really good friend of mine....huh...friend...or more den dat...well...duunno....haha. Anywayz now I owe him money...cause he paid...huh......haizzz....I dun think i wud haf a chance to return him the money... =( he didn't seem to wan me ta' pay him back. Well...anywayz it's time for me to sign off...ciaoz....

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